Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Response to Pro-choice or pro-life?

Abortion is by no means a black and white issue and I feel that in your editorial you did a thorough job of conveying both viewpoints. It is true that moral aspects unfortunately collide with individual rights. The question of "morality" really depends on the individual. Being a woman, it definitely is more difficult to come up with an answer. I personally believe that, as guaranteed in the Constitution, a person should have the right to do whatever he/she wants with his/her own body. However, all said and done, abortion terminates a perfectly valuable life. Nevertheless, regardless of personal views and biases, the government should not ban abortion because it infringes on a person's self-autonomy. From health issues and rape to teenage pregnancies and incest there are a number of reasons why a woman might need an abortion, and banning this right would be unconstitutional. One might argue that if the government doesn't ban abortion then everyone will want one. I agree that while this may not be the ideal situation, a woman deserves the right to choose what to do with her body. Health-related issues are becoming more rare as medicine improves and sex education in schools is helping to decline the teen pregnancy rate. Hopefully, as a result of these advances,less people will need abortions.Unfortunately, issues such as rape and incest won't go away, but if the other causes are eradicated,a smaller percentage of people will actually need abortions. Moreover, although abortion may not seem like the ideal solution, it is, I believe, a woman's right to choose.

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